Search the Listings Directory

Too many filters may generate a null result.
The contents of each field must be found for results to be returned.
We recommend starting your search with a single keyword and no category;
or else search on a single category but do not specify any keywords.

First Keyword Second Keyword
Two words in one search box will be treated as a phrase.  
If two words must be found to return a result then enter a word or phrase into each box.
Traditional franchising groupings
Maximum Investment
S.A. Rands
- Setting this field to a blank value will return an error.
- Setting the value to zero will, of course, return no records.
- The currently set default is ten million Rands.
- The result list displays in descending order of Upfront Capital Required.


Tip # 1   Start off by searching for one word in the First Keyword box. Leave all other boxes empty (except for the R10m in Min. Invest)
Tip # 2   Alternatively, leave all the keyword boxes empty and select a category for the type of franchise that interests you. (Remember to leave the R10m in Min. Invest.)
Tip # 3   Only if the above searches leave you with too many results should you consider including a second keyword or trimming down the minimum investment value.